Are any of you Survivor fans? I am a hit or miss fan but I did watch this season, it was pretty good just because it was different. I wasn't really attached to any one particular person so it was as exciting as some of my other shows that I develop an emotional connection with.
However I must say I was so turned off by one survivor's desire to be the bad guy. She was just down right mean and wanted to own it like it was cool. I just don't see how anyone can take pride in being mean. During the jury she threw in a really low blow to one of the other girls. I just don't get how that is ever ok.
She has a pretty face but just her actions and her attitude made her so trashy. I guess she might of been going for the villian role but instead she just came across as disgusting.
I hope to raise my boys in a way that they always respect people and would never take pride in being able to hurt someone.
What? You don't want to throw unnecessary elbows at anyone's head? How dare you!! You aren't a REAL girl...LOL It's funny how THEY get so into those shows they particpate in, and then how WE get involved in their behaviors. All those shows are great reminders about how we should want to parent...very good point.
I know, Corrine was despicable. Do you think that's really what she's like??
I am with you on this. Survivor this year was better than before. But really why did she feel the need to be a bitty just because. Lame.
I could not stand Corine. She was this hateful girl who didn't like or get along with anyone. What she said to Sugar at the end was just a low blow that was so wrong. Has she forgotten that she is playing a game? Let the personal stuff go....
That's the new trend in TV. Gross, isn't it?
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