Monday, January 12, 2009

Delurking Evening

Well cool people like Jodi and Renee brought to my attention that it is national delurking day! Of course I am late getting on my blog so I am celebrating delurking evening all by myself! Make me feel better and delurk or just comment to let me know you were here!


Preston said...

Uh, what is delurking? Uh, never mind as I googled it before I finished this comment. I've often lurked but never delurked. I guess that I am delurking now, sort of. Eh? Anyway, I'm here via SITS.

Robbie said...

This is my first time here...which means I'm not really a lurker, right? :) Found you on BSU. I'll be back to read more.

3 Bay B Chicks said...

You prove that it really is never too late to celebrate, Anji. "De-lurking evening" made me laugh.



Jess said...

Thanks for the info.

Tabitha Blue said...

I totally missed delurking day! How did I not know about this?? Well, here I am!!


jodifur said...

I'm not really a lurker but I'm here!

momma said...

i'm not a lurker, just stopping by from sits tonight. i answered roll call after you!

i didn't know there was a delurking day :)