Monday, January 5, 2009

Me and Him!

I have so much in common with my 3 year old. The main thing that sticks out in my right now is both of our inability to adapt to being off schedule. The holiday season gave us a lot of days off and really disrupted our routine. We enjoyed the days off but we both stayed up later and woke up all that has stopped. Back to the daily grind, problem is we are not adjusting.

I couldn't sleep last night, stayed up past midnight and woke up at 6:00 am for the day. Not enough sleep for a sleep lover like me. Of course it was busy at work and I am barely able to keep up. Finally get home after basketball, make dinner and then I crash. I was out like a light. I know what late naps does to Kye, keeps him up llllaaaatttteeee into the night. Guess what it is almost midnight and I am no where near sleepy. So once again tomorrow I will be all kinds of crabby-baby lady.


Hccm said...

Don't feel bad. Take a guess at what mom has to go to school tomorrow with a note that says the following:

Please excuse my children's absence on yesterday. The entire family overslept including the dog.

The Blonde Duck said...

You need a nap and some pie. :)

wendy said...

I'm big on schedules too and hate to be disrupted. Hope you adjust soon.

Thanks for visiting my blog!

Barely Domestic Mama said...

I hope you get your sleep routine back soon.

Anonymous said...

Found you through SITS. I can totally relate. On NYE I had to take a power nap from 10 to 11. Then I was good to go for the New Year! :)

Dawn said...

I've been going to bed pretty late as well.

What I do though that helps me is take an allergy pill. Pretty much in 30 minutes I feel my sleepy coming on!!

I hope you get back into your rountine soon. :)

Nina said...

I am right their with you. We were off for 12 days, stayed up late, slept in and now I can't get back on schedule. On top of all of it I have been sick and I just can't seem to get back into my normal mode.